Applicant Consents
I agree to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information for the following purposes:
- Checking any of the details contained in this application form with third parties including any tenant information database and the New Zealand Transport Authority.
- Making enquiries with third parties in relation to my creditworthiness, including any credit reporting agency.
- Placing any of the information regarding my identity supplied on this application form on a national online database.
- Using any of the information contained on any Tenancy Tribunal Order to assist the enforcement of any unsatisfied Money Order made against me by listing details of the order on an online national database.
- Using any of the information on this application form to assist in theenforcementofany
unsatisfied Order made against me by the Tenancy Tribunal. - Debt recovery purposes including appointing an agent to collect any outstanding debts and listing defaults with any credit reporting agency.
- Checking the Ministry of Justice fines database. This maybe undertaken by a credit reporting agency on our behalf which will require my personal information to be collected by and disclosed to the credit reporting agency.
I understand that any credit reporting agency to whom you may disclose my personal information may:
- hold that information on their credit reporting database;
- use that information for the purpose of credit reporting or for any other lawful purpose;
- disclose that information to their subscribers for the purpose of credit checking or debt collection of for any other lawful purpose.
I understand that if I have provided to you driver licence information that the provision of this information was voluntary.
I confirm the information in this form is true and correct and that I have read and signed the Cautions under the Privacy Act 1993.